Simone Colabufalo

Web Designer & Developer

Who am I

I'm a freelancer web designer & developer based in Italy. I've been active in the space for 9.33 years.

What can I do for you

I'm specialized in engineering and developing custom solutions with web technologies.

What I'm best at

I use to work best alone or in small to medium teams. I enjoy working on the frontend part of the stack but I do work on the backend too. The technologies I'm most familiar with are:

  • Javascript and Typescript;
  • VueJS 2 and 3;
  • NuxtJS 2 and 3;
  • CSS, SASS, PostCSS;
  • CSS libs like Tailwind, WindiCSS, UnoCSS, Bootstrap and so on;
  • NodeJS;
  • AdonisJS;
  • Strapi;
  • PHP;
  • Laravel;

Since 2021 I'm specializing in EVM smart contracts integrations - I've been using Ethers, Typechain, and The Graph daily to craft decentralized applications.

Latest working experiences

Beside my freelance works, I've done consultancy and worked for some companies too:

Current: Peter Park - Senior Frontend Developer [2023 - now]

Currently working on leading the migration from Vue 2 Javascript apps to Vue 3 Typescript apps, leveraging monorepository technologies like Turbo

Ntropika Labs - Lead Software Developer [2021 - 2022]

Worked on delivering technical solutions for different projects built on the Ethereum ecosystem. Libs and frameworks used includes: EthersJS, VueJS, The Graph, Sharp, Typescript

Dedagroup Business Solutions - Web Developer [2020 - 2021]

Bootstrapped and developed a custom internal application in VueJS, Vuex e Vuetify

Nexteam - Web Developer [2017]

Custom themes on Drupal

Sintesi Additiva - Web Developer & Designer [2015 - 2016]

UI/Web developer mostly on PHP,JS and Python

Where you can find me

Here's where you can find me online. If you like e-mails, you can contact me at

This website is built with Nuxt 3 and Content V2, with the help of UnoCSS